Far Flungers
A Clockwork Orange: Battling with Kubrick’s Most Controversial Film
Another look at Kubrick's controversial classic from a far-flung correspondent.
Seongyong Cho was born in Jeon-ju, South Korea. He did graduate work at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (KAIST) in Dae-jeon. His passion
for good movies continues its primitive rampage, which includes weekly pilgrimages
to the local multiplex. He started his blog in 2008 and writes nuumerous reviews. In the midst of that, he manages to find time for
books, music, exercise (usually treadmill and swimming), and corresponding
with other bloggers.
Another look at Kubrick's controversial classic from a far-flung correspondent.
A look back at Steven Spielberg's 1993 classic, Jurassic Park.
A Far-Flung Correspondent considers Ramin Bahrani's Ebertfest 2022 thriller.
An FFC looks at Krisha, which will play at this year's Ebertfest next week.
A celebration of the best South Korean film from last year, a social drama reminiscent of Ken Loach.
A look back at Terry Zwigoff's dark and naughty 2003 Christmas comedy, Bad Santa.
A look back at the 2000 film starring Willem Dafoe and John Malkovich.
A reappreciation of 1996's Beyond Silence, a film that may get another look now after the success of CODA.
A look at The Disciple from a far-flung correspondent.
On the sustained power of Phoenix, one of the best films of the 2010s.