Far Flungers
The Legacy of The Iron Giant
A new look at a modern classic from an FFC in Korea.
Seongyong Cho was born in Jeon-ju, South Korea. He did graduate work at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (KAIST) in Dae-jeon. His passion
for good movies continues its primitive rampage, which includes weekly pilgrimages
to the local multiplex. He started his blog in 2008 and writes nuumerous reviews. In the midst of that, he manages to find time for
books, music, exercise (usually treadmill and swimming), and corresponding
with other bloggers.
A new look at a modern classic from an FFC in Korea.
A reappreciation of a Billy Wilder classic.
FFC Seongyong Cho looks back at Alan J. Pakula's twisty thriller Presumed Innocent.
One of our foreign correspondents looks at Cold War.
A Far Flung Correspondent looks at Cristian Mungiu's award-winning film.
American Splendor is an under-appreciated gem which deserves more attention.
A piece from a Far-Flung Correspondent on The Lion in Winter.
Far Flung Correspondent Seongyong Cho revisits John Carpenter's classic Halloween.
A look back at the Coen brothers' "No Country for Old Men."
A look back at Robert Zemeckis' half-animated classic, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, on its 30-year anniversary.